18 Blogs to Help You Succeed as a Work From Home Mom

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18 Blogs To Help You Succeed as a Work From Home Mom

Are you a stay-at-home mom interested in working from home?

The opportunities are endless and if you have small children, it’s a great gig to have! I should know since I’m freelancing with twin toddlers.

It’s been a year since I’ve been working steadily as a freelance writer and during that time I’ve had a chance to visit other blogs that help moms like us kick butt working from home.

Whether it’s financial advice, blogging advice or entrepreneurial advice, these 18 blogs have helped me learn the ropes to working from home.

I hope one day TwinsMommy ranks up there as a useful blog for moms who want to work from home and be a mompreneur.

If you’re reading this and don’t have a blog, but want to start one, I have an easy step-by-step tutorial on how to start a blog using SiteGround!

If you’re just getting started, check out these awesome (mostly mommy) blogs to help you succeed as a WAHM.

1. Single Mom’s Income


Alexa’s site, Single Mom’s Income is one of the best blogs to help moms start a home-based business.

She has several popular (and Pintastic) posts on work at home jobs or getting started working as a freelancer.

She also dishes out great tips for handling and managing your finances, whether you’re single, married or anything in between.

Alexa is also a freelance writer and shares her monthly income reports to her loyal readers on how she makes money online.

One of my favorite posts of hers is How (And Why) I created a Goals Binder.

2. Work From Home Happiness


Ashlee’s Work From Home Happiness blog is anything and everything you wanted to know about work from home opportunities. I had no idea how many different work from home jobs there are!

What resonated with me is that Ashlee is also a freelance writer. She gave up her job to pursue freelance writing and never looked back. She now makes a full-time living writing – just like me – and some of her best Pintastic posts are about freelance writing.

Ashlee is also soo helpful! I’ve been emailing her about Tailwind and Pinterest and email marketing and you can tell she takes the time to help others whenever she emails you.

She also has a job board, so if you are interested in picking a side job or extra cash, go there to see what’s available.

Ashlee has a fantastic beginner’s guide to getting started working from home so be sure to check that out.

3. Not Now Mom’s Busy


Cori’s awesomely named blog, Not Now Mom’s Busy, is a huge site that will help you make money in your PJ’s.

While there are posts on work-life balance, the posts I like the most are work from home and freelancing. Every Friday she posts a round-up of blogger and work from home jobs so don’t miss those! And also welcomes contributors – I’m one! – and guest bloggers.

One post that has a lot of great tips for traffic is How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Without Going Broke.

4. Catherine Alford


Catherine Alford is someone I recently connected with (all because of my Pinterest strategy to grow my blog) because she’s also a freelance writer AND a mom to twins!

I’ve heard Catherine’s name floating around the freelancing hub and knew she also has a course for writers, but I never knew she had twins.

Her blog is filled with the best tips to help you save, grow and succeed in what you do. Plus she’s been on Good Morning America and that’s like big yo!

Since I’m new to her blog and haven’t read much of her content, I did really enjoy her post on what she learned as a work from home mom.

5. Successful Blogging


If you blog for business then Sue’s site Successful Blogging will help you reach your goals. She provides awesome tips to help any blogger succeed.

Sue is also a great blogger friend to have! Don’t be shy to connect with her on her blog or on social media. Before I had my freelance writing course out I asked her about my sales copy and strategy and she was so helpful in providing some great tips to maximize my conversions.

One thing I like about her blog is the awesome round-up posts she has. Her most recent one asked popular bloggers their biggest selling mistake. It’s definitely worth a read for all you mompreneurs out there (or wannabes like me!).

6. Redefining Mom



Monica’s blog, Redefining Mom, helps working moms build a thriving online business! Her blog posts are all about moms that really want to start an online business.

From podcasts to help you grow as an entrepreneur to understanding email service providers and social media marketing, she provides strategies to help the working mom.

7. Wanderful World


Lizzie is the fabulous freelancer behind her popular site, Wanderful World (I just like saying it

Lizzie is a travel freelance writer and her blog is geared towards freelancers. She provides great tips on securing clients, managing time and facing rejection.

We’ve recently connected and she’s a big supporter of my business (as I am of hers). Each post she puts out is full of actionable advice and her images are beautiful!!

Check out her post on The One Thing Holding You Back as a Freelancer.

8. Making Sense of Cents


Michelle’s highly resourceful site, Making Sense of Cents has tons of information about working from home, blogging and earning an income.

She’s inspiring and she doesn’t hold anything back in terms of showing her readers her income reports.

She’s come a long way from freelancing to now making a living blogging and earning passive income from it.

One of my favorite posts of hers is tips to save 50% of your income.

9. Embracing Simple Blog


Christina’s blog is so helpful! Embracing Simple Blog not only helps you simplify your life, but it also helps you with being a better and more efficient work at home mama.

Christina is a freelance writer and also has a little girl. I recently started going to her blog (after finding her all over Pinterest!) and am loving every post I read of hers.

Be sure to check out her post on how to tell if you have an unhealthy relationship to technology. It’s a real eye-opener!

10. Melyssa Griffin


Can I tell you I’m in LOVE with Melyssa’s blog (formerly The Nectar Collective)? From her colors to her designs to her information, her site helps creatives, freelancers and even mamas like us improve our blog and our business.

She’s also a whiz on Pinterest and I learned most of my strategy from her free webinar she gave a while back.

While I can’t pinpoint which post to check out – check out all of them! – sign up to her list and get her library of awesome guides and access to her private FB group.

11. The Frugal Millionaire

Sarah’s blog, The Frugal Millionaire has some great content on getting started freelance writing and blogging.

Her blog has a mix of freelance writing, making money and blogging, which is right up my alley. She also posts her income reports and it’s encouraging to see how she’s going from mom to mompreneur.

What really resonated with me was her post on confessions of a work at home mom. Everything she says is soo true!

12. Brilliant Business Women


Sarah just gets me!

She is a true mompreneur juggling babies, preschoolers, business, and purpose. I recently found this site and can’t get enough of it.

There are posts to help you with landing pages, design elements, and great tips for helping mompreneurs get sh*t done!

My favorite so far is surprising productivity hacks for work at home moms. I’m all for working smarter, not harder.

13. Practical Mommy

Kristen’s blog Practical Mommy is my guilty pleasure. It’s like opening up a magazine and reading about mommy styles, work at home stuff, mommy hacks and making money – all my favorite topics.

Her posts are fun to read and offers some great tips to mommyhood. I’m excited for her Mom Blog Mentor course as I can see she has built a successful platform and is going from mom to mompreneur!

Be sure to check out her round up post of work-at-home mamas and how they work at home with kids.

14. Jessi Fearon

Jessi’s blog, Jessi Fearon, gives a real-life account on living on one budget. She’s down-to-earth and holds nothing back when she – this is her words – airs her dirty laundry (aka her budget).

Her blog is also personal since every month she writes about her personal, business and financial goals. She also provides great tips on saving and making money.

As a freelancer and working hard at being a mompreneur, budgeting is always on the forefront for my family.

My husband and I both work for ourselves so if we don’t work, we don’t earn!

I really enjoyed her two-part series on The 10 Best Money Tips for Mompreneurs so be sure to check that out!

15. The Take Action WAHM

This blog was the first work-at-home blog I ever read. I loved Kelly’s advice on helping mama’s like us out. She provides posts on teaching you what affiliate marketing is, how to work your WordPress site, what sponsored posts are, and a bunch of other tutorials.

Last year she was offline for a bit (because of no Internet where she was living) so I missed all her awesome tips. But, she’s back and she has a ton new blogging tips to share.

She recently joined the A to Z Blogging Challenge so be sure to check that out on her blog.

16. Believe in a Budget

Kristen’s journey from blogging on the side to now having a legit online business is inspiring.

Believe in a Budget has awesome tips for freelancers, work at home moms and bloggers. I love Kristen’s images – maybe that’s why she has a Pinterest course! and offers Pinterest image services.

I love her post on streamlining the blogging process since I have several blogs I manage and write for as well as clients I write for and if I can shave off time I will!

17. Money Making Mama


Kelly’s site has been around a long time! I think she pioneered the whole mommy blog movement!

Money Making Mommy has tons of information about work at home jobs. Whether you want to work offline or online, on our phone or with your car, Kelly’s posts gives you the run down.

One post that’s really useful for starting work at home is A Lesser Known Tool For Finding Work at Home. There are opportunities everywhere and Kelly makes sure to let you know about them.

18. The Work at Home Wife

Angela’s beautiful and highly resourceful site, The Work at Home Wife, has a ton of information on finding work and making money at home.

What I find valuable on her blog is that she just doesn’t post different ways to work at home; she also helps you with the challenges that come from working at home.

Angela also likes to get first-hand or real accounts of work-at-home moms or the people who hire work-at-home moms. Reading first-hand accounts of other successful moms who work at home is inspiring and motivating!

And you know what? Angela recently asked me to provide my story on what could go wrong when you work from home. Make sure to check it out and see if you know any of the other bloggers and freelancers.

There Ya Go!

Wow! 18 awesome blogs to help any work-at-home mom or aspiring work-at-home mom to learn from the best and succeed.

Have I missed anyone? If you know of another awesome work-at-home mom blog, share them with me!

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