AccuExam at LensCrafters

Posted by Courtney Lopez on

AccuExam at LensCrafters          

AccuExam at LensCrafters Eye Exam

Just a few weeks ago Chris and I had a complimentary AccuExam from LensCrafters. It was so interesting to see how this machine was able to find out my prescription quickly and with ease. The AccuExam reads the shape of your eyes and can automatically pinpoint and recommend the best prescription for you. I didn’t believe until I saw it with my own eyes!

AccuExam at LensCrafters Eyes are the window to our overall health. Get your eye exam today!

I’m typically pretty picky about my eye doctor. I was extremely pleased with the service and care from Dr. Jeffrey Case at the LensCrafters location in East Brunswick, NJ (Brunswick Square Mall). He was knowledgable, caring and beyond helpful. This coming from me is huge. I actually traveled 2 hours to visit my old eye doctor for every eye exam!! It was funny one time my sister said to me, “you only visit when you have an eye doctor appointment!”. We live a bit far from her, so yes I did schedule visits around my eye doctor visit too, ha!

AccuExam at LensCrafters Eyes are the window to our overall health. Get your eye exam today!

I have been wearing glasses since my 2nd birthday. I can’t even count how many pairs of glasses, how many eye doctor visits or how many times I’ve wished that it was easier to get your perfect prescription. LensCrafters’ new start of the art technology with AccuExam was a pleasure. This new technology that is exclusive to LensCrafters was spot on for not only myself, but my husband too. The AccuExam technology is available at 212 locations across the US and by 2017 it should be in every LensCrafters. All doctors are going intensive through training for this new technology.

It’s overwhelming when YOU feel in control of your prescription. It’s never fun to have to pick… “how about now? before or after? this or that? 1 or 2?”. The AccuExam cuts all of that out.

Plus, the AccuExam shortens the time you’re in the office and it’s extremely accurate. This new technology will pave the way, no more traditional eye exams, at least not at your local LensCrafters. I loved that we were able to make an appointment the same day we called.

AccuExam at LensCrafters Eyes are the window to our overall health. Get your eye exam today!

In the beginning of an exam digital technology consultation systems show you eye issues like cataracts, real time eye issues and even if you’re at risk. This customized view allows doctor to check for eye health or any issues glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetes – you should know that our eyes are the window to our health. Chris’ father suffered from diabetes and it can be deadly.. We are always on top of all of our routine checkups, eye exams included! Getting your eyes examined regularly can detect high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Plus, did you know that EVEN if you don’t wear glasses, you need an eye exam?

AccuExam at LensCrafters Eyes are the window to our overall health. Get your eye exam today!

Eye exams are for everyone, not just those with glasses or contact lenses. In fact, your child should be seen by an eye doctor by the age of 2 or 3, or when they are able to understand what the doctor is asking. When your child is at their pediatrician, they will examine their eyes as well, but it’s important to have a full eye exam. It’s so important that they are seen young. It’s important for adults as well as children to have regular eye exams. 80% of children’s learning is visual. They are taking in information all the time and if they can’t see clearly, how can they focus? Unfortunately, most children don’t know the difference between good or bad vision.

AccuExam at LensCrafters Eyes are the window to our overall health. Get your eye exam today!

I have an annual eye exam. I never miss an appointment! My prescription hasn’t changed much in the past 6 years, but I finally upgraded my glasses and I LOVE them. LensCrafters was so helpful during the entire process. Between picking my glasses and finding the perfect fit, it was an absolute pleasure. I went with a beautiful Versace frame!
AccuExam at LensCrafters Eyes are the window to our overall health. Get your eye exam today!
Chris also found a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses that he liked. It’s extremely important to have a good pair of sunglasses. UV radiation from the sun doesn’t only damage our skin, but also can be harmful to our cornea, lens and other parts of our eyes. It can lead to cataracts and possibly macular degeneration. We have always purchased a pair of $60+ sun glasses, but we have learned that we may not be getting the protection we need. You want to choose sunglasses that block at least 99% of both UVA and UVB rays.
AccuExam at LensCrafters Eyes are the window to our overall health. Get your eye exam today!AccuExam at LensCraftersAccuExam at LensCrafters
Now after finding out about how important sunglasses are I’m going to be getting a pair eventually that is prescription. That’s what I love about LensCrafters! They have everything I need in one place, and with the new AccuExam I’m set with my eye care!
AccuExam at LensCrafters Eyes are the window to our overall health. Get your eye exam today!
AccuExam at LensCraftersAccuExam at LensCrafters AccuExam at LensCrafters
Special thanks to LensCrafters’ top optometrist and Clinical Director, Dr. Mark Jacquot for giving me more info on the AccuExam and to LensCrafters for partnering with us for this post. We received a complimentary AccuExam and glasses for our time. As always, all opinions are our own. I WILL be having my AccuExam from here on out instead of the old fashioned way!

The post AccuExam at LensCrafters appeared first on Courtney's Sweets.