Affordable Blood Glucose Monitoring – FreeStyle Precision Neo System

Posted by Courtney Lopez on

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Freestyle. The opinions and text are all mine.

I’m really excited to share our opinion of the FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose monitoring system.  It’s an affordable way to test your blood glucose and doesn’t require a prescription. Forget the co-pay and waiting in the doctors office.  Just head to your local pharmacy!

Affordable Blood Glucose Monitoring - FreeStyle Precision Neo System

Back in 2006 I was really sick.  I was actually hospitalized for 3 months with pancreatitis (which I suffered with for 2 years until I had my gallbladder removed).  Every morning they had to test my blood sugar.  It was horrible.  It wasn’t only painful to do it yourself, but imagine having a nurse come in at 6am and just pricking your finger with no care of how you felt?  Half the time I was sleeping and they would wake me up to do it.  I dreaded it every morning, along with the daily blood work.

Affordable Blood Glucose Monitoring - FreeStyle Precision Neo System

Once I was able to go home from the hospital I still had to check my sugar once everyday just to make sure everything was normal.  I almost wanted the nurses back to do it.  How could I do it to myself?  My mom ended up doing it for me and thankfully she was gentle about it.  I’ll never forget how expensive it was to purchase all the strips and the monitor.  I needed a prescription for everything and my insurance co-pay was extremely high.

Affordable Blood Glucose Monitoring - FreeStyle Precision Neo System

Type 2 Diabetes runs in my family as well as my husbands. My grandfather had it, my aunt has it, a few of my cousins and even my husband’s father.   Thankfully once I was cleared of pancreatitis I was able to stop checking.  It was so pricey and I was so glad that it was over with.  I gave all my unused test strips to a family member along with the monitor.  She was so grateful!  Imagine how many people could use a cheaper alternative that works extremely well, but doesn’t cost an astronomical amount PLUS you don’t need a prescription?  It’s been awhile and I’m glad to see things are changing for the better since I used a system in 2006.

SAVE $2 now on the  FreeStyle Precision Neo System

Affordable Blood Glucose Monitoring - FreeStyle Precision Neo System

The NEW FreeStyle Precision Neo blood glucose meter is available and costs only $25.99 (per my CVS store), makes checking your blood glucose easy and convenient and did I mention it’s over the counter?!  You can purchase it without a prescription – there’s no hassle!  Even the test strips are affordable!

The FreeStyle Precision Neo Blood Glucose Monitoring System is a whole new kind of easy for people with Type 2 diabetes. The super slim, lightweight meter delivers accurate results from a small blood sample. Test strips are available over the counter without a prescription. Visit to get a coupon to make that meter purchase even easier!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Freestyle. The opinions and text are all mine.

The post Affordable Blood Glucose Monitoring – FreeStyle Precision Neo System appeared first on Courtney's Sweets.