I’m excited to share our Breastfeeding Essentials Gift Basket for Nursing Moms !
Our breastfeeding journey wasn’t easy in the beginning and we had some breastfeeding struggles here and there. One thing I was always told was to NEVER use a nipple shield, but in reality the Medela Contact Nipple Shield is the reason we were able to nurse in the beginning. I used the Nipple Shield to breastfeed for the first 7-8 months (the first month we didn’t use it and it was hard to nurse!). I paid so much to figure it all out between LLCs and even having her lip tie cut. In the end when she was ready her latch was perfect. She just suddenly stopped using the nipple shield one day and it was incredible. I can’t believe we’re about to celebrate 2 1/2 years of nursing! You can see her nursing with the nipple shield in the picture below. I had 3 nipple shields at all times. Just in case I needed one while we were out, if one broke or between cleanings to use another. Having one is like having one bottle, crazy!
We had a lot of issues with food allergies and baby throwing up while breastfeeding too. Thankfully once I removed soy from my diet she didn’t suffer any FPIES Food Allergy Reactions. I’m glad that I stuck it out despite all the breastfeeding issues we did have and now we’re still breastfeeding 2 and a half years long!
I would consider myself a knowledgable breastfeeding mom and I used a few products along the way. I am excited to share the products I used with all of you too! I’m actually anxious to make a Nursing and Breastfeeding Essentials Gift Basket for my sister in law who is expecting her 2nd baby boy next month. She is fully committed to breastfeed this time, but unfortunately wasn’t able to produce enough milk her first time around. I’m going to make sure she has almost everything she could possibly need to start a beautiful and plentiful breastfeeding journey.
Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Milkmaid Tea
This tea is absolutely delicious! I can’t say that it made me plentiful with milk, but I do think it helps. Plus as a new mommy or a mommy to a new little one it’s nice to enjoy a hot cup of tea here and there without caffeine. It’s all organic and contains NO GMOs!
Milkmakers Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookies
What momma doesn’t want sweets? Why not get your cookies and MAKE milk too? These cookies are filled with ingredients to encourage milk production and supply, like organic oats, flaxseed and brewers yeast. They are still cookies and contain sugar so one or two cookies are plenty for a nursing mommy.
- Motherlove: More Milk Plus Vegetarian Capsules Every nursing mommy should have these in her cabinet. WHY? because if you ever notice a drop in your supply you can easily take these and build it right back up. During one of Kay’s FPIES attacks she had to strictly nurse and NO FOOD so I needed to boost my supply and this helped me overnight. These are a Godsend!
- New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Multivitamin So you took prenatal pills while pregnant, but did you know that you should continue to take prenatal pills WHILE nursing? It blows my mind that some new mommies don’t know this. It’s always important that both you and baby are getting your daily vitamins and nutrients. Of course eating a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables is ideal as well.
- Bamboobies Super Soft Washable Nursing Pads I spent close to $100 on nursing pads in the beginning. From disposable to organic and bamboobies were my absolute favorite. They felt so soft and really caught any leaks. I can’t say the same for other brands.
Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump
Aside from the hospital grade pump, this pump was my go to. I mainly used it to pump overnight when baby skipped a feeding or when we were out and she skipped a feeding. There’s those spur of the moment times when you just have to pump and this was a lifesaver.
- Leading Lady Women’s Nursing Wireless Sports Bra I LOVE THIS BRA. In fact, I’m wearing it right now haha. No lie this is the most supportive nursing bra I’ve used. I spent $60+ on a nursing bra and it wasn’t comfortable or supportive. This is the BEST NURSING BRA in my opinion.
- Motherlove Nipple Cream This is a MUST. ABSOLUTE MUST. I had horrible cracks and bleeding in the beginning of our breastfeeding journey. It was horrible and painful and this cream was the only one that helped. I used Earth Mama Angel Baby Nipple Butter but it didn’t help at all for me. This cream healed my cracks and pain in a day or two! I then used it daily to prevent cracks. I’ll never touch that purple lanolin again, besides it’s gross!
I never purchased any nursing shirts either. Instead, I just purchased a ton of cheap tank tops and put them under my regular shirts. Pull up your regular shirt to nurse and you’re still covered. Perfect! We hope you enjoyed our Breastfeeding Essentials Gift Basket for Nursing Moms.
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