Celebrating the Holidays with FPIES

Posted by Courtney Lopez on

Since Sweet Baby’s FPIES diagnosis I’ve tried to find out anything and everything I can about FPIES.  (new here? no worries! read our post – what is FPIES)  I would like to say I know all there is to know, but then I’d be lying.  There’s so much still unknown about FPIES since more research needs to be done and every single case is different. Our situation could be better or worse than the next.  One thing that doesn’t change is how we approach it in certain situations, or how much we let it control our lives.

tips on how to plan during the holiday season with food allergies
Help spread FPIES Awareness by pinning and sharing the above image. With your help we can help those without a diagnosis!

Food allergies are serious and definitely need to be taken that way, but being together is the best medicine and we need to remember how to enjoy those moments.  Whether big or small; being together during the holiday season is what is most important.  I am honored to guest post over on the IAFFPE (International Association for Food Protein Enterocolitis) Blog!  I share about how we are planning our first Holiday since diagnosis plus some helpful tips!   I’m thankful we got an early diagnosis.  I was very determined and Sweet Baby only suffered with horrible symptoms for 2 months – some other families aren’t so lucky. Google was actually the reason we got our diagosis, so googling your symptoms can be helpful with the help of your doctor after!    I feel so blessed for each and every food trial pass and hope that we keep passing!  Each trial is scary, but we’re not alone in this.

May we all be thankful for the daily blessings we receive!


Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.
Oprah Winfrey

The post Celebrating the Holidays with FPIES appeared first on Courtney's Sweets.