News — Twins
How This Stay-at-Home Mom is Getting Her Twins Ready for School
Posted by Elna on
My twins turned four years old in January. In September they will be attending full day kindergarten.
Where I live, there are two years of kindergarten called Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten. My twins will almost be five years old when they attend, and I’m so glad they had that extra year with me to mature.
I couldn’t have imagined them going to school last September. My daughter was a messy eater and getting food in her hair ALL.THE.TIME!
What 4-Year-Old Twins Say to Each Other
Posted by Elna on
It’s back!
Ha! Last year I wrote a post about what my 3-year-old twins say to each other and it was a hit in the Pinterest twin community! I even got an editor to inquire about my freelance writing services based on that post!
So, I thought, why not do another one?
My twins turned four years old in January and the things they say….literally have me rolling on the floor laughing. They are so innocent, cute and darn hilarious (well I think they are).
Raising Twins: Am I Doing This Right?
Posted by Elna on
It’s prevalent for new moms. I’m a new mom and surprise! I have twins.
A boy and girl.
A perfect family. All we need is a dog and we’re set! Well, on paper that’s what it looks like, but in real life, I have no clue if I’m doing all this right.
My twins are 3.5 years old. I take care of them everyday and I wonder if that’s the best thing for them.
Sandcastles and Band-Aids: Being a Mom to Twins
Posted by Elna on
My twins turned three this year and I’m still amazed I survived the first year!
I was up every 45 minutes for the first year of their lives. I was a zombie. I pumped milk every three hours around the clock. I changed about 40 diapers a day. When both babies cried, I struggled to hold them both at the same time.