This is it.
The countdown begins to the biggest launch you’re going to make (well, until the next one that is ).
This is your first product you created and next week you’re launching that baby. All the months of planning, writing, recording, promoting, setting up the tech side, editing and all the little things that go into a product launch is almost over.
There’s only one hurdle.
Your sales page.
But, wait –
You have no clue how to write a sales page.
So, what do you do instead?
You wing it. You mention who your product or course is for, list what they will get, give a bio of the instructor, – you – list the table of content and the price.
Launch day is here and your sales page is up. You’re checking your phone every second, waiting for that ding ding ding! But, instead, nothing. No sales, no moo-la rolling in.
What’s up? You know you have a kick ass course. You know your audience wants it (because you surveyed them) and you know it’s priced reasonably, so why not the flood of sales you hear from other bloggers?
Before we get into the nitty gritty of why you’re not making hella sales, I have a sales page roadmap to help you set up your sales page. Yup! I give you what to put on your sales page and and where to put on in. So go ahead and sign up below to get that bad boy roadmap and start making sales today.
Why No One Is Buying Your Course
Courses are all the rage now, so I’m going to be using “course” in place of “product” in this post. So, even if you’re selling a WordPress theme, workbook, printables or training videos, these tips will totally work for you
Want to know the real reason why no one is buying your course?
It’s because you’re not addressing your potential buyer’s pain.
It’s that simple.
People buy courses because they have a problem they can’t solve on their own. They need help. Some people don’t realize they need the help until you tell them.
And you do that by targeting their pain points.
What does that mean?
Look at the emotional aspect of your potential buyer. For example, if your course is on growing your social media following, find out the frustrations people have with doing this.
Maybe some people are overwhelmed at the thought of finding the right social media platform to promote their blog. Or, they want to learn new platforms like Snapchat but the thought of learning a new platform is too much. Maybe others are frustrated because they’ve “tried” all the strategies to build their followers, but they’ve hardly had any growth.
This is what I mean by addressing their pain – fears, frustrations, headaches, yearning, idealizing, hopes.
So, what do you do instead?
You end up focusing too much on the features of your course. After all, you want to tell everyone how great your course is and what it’s all about.
Like how it’s self-paced or split up into x number of modules or that students get tons of worksheets and a handy workbook.
While this is important to mention in your sales page, it does not make the entire sales page. People won’t buy if all you do is rattle off all the features of your course.
This doesn’t connect with anyone and will hurt your conversion rates.
The Secret to Making Sales Like a Boss
What the pros are doing on their sales page is having a sales page that speaks to their target audience.
And the secret to doing this is using the right language.
Let’s back up here.
On my other blog, Elna Cain, I have a freelance writing course (well actually the sales page and course is on a separate site).
My sales page has been tweaked and changed and moved around a bajillion times since its inception back in November of 2015. But, I think I finally figured out the secret.
Before I was making a sale every 3 or four days. But now, I generate a sale to two sales a day.
And this happened like overnight. The reason?
Because I started using the right language. Here’s what I mean:
1. Speak Benefits
Throughout your sales page, speak about the benefits of taking your course. What happens to someone after they take your course?
What will they gain from taking your course?
For example, Nesha Woolery hits you hard with the benefits of what it would be like if you took her Organize and Automate course:
- Creating new products and services.
- Scaling your business and growing your team.
- Spending more time with your husband and kids.
- Traveling the world and soaking up the sunshine!
- Your clients never forget to provide files on time.
- Nothing falls through the cracks and gets forgotten.
- Your clients rave about you after the project is over because you not only provided them with amazing designs, but an incredible experience.
She tells her potential buyer to “imagine,” while speaking about the benefits. This is a powerful way to help transition a visitor into a buyer.
2. Rip the Band-aid and Reveal the Pain
That’s right. To really make sales you really have to paint a picture of the pain a potential buyer is having and what the solution is.
You can effectively do this with storytelling.
Jeff Goins, a popular writer, starts his sales page with a big pain point for wannabe authors:
Jeff even uses the words “frustration,” “bugs you,” and “get noticed” in his copy to convey the pain many writers have.
This is where you can walk your potential buyer through a story.
Here’s what Derek Halpern says in his Zippy Courses sales page on what people experience before getting his plugin:
Like I said, I’m no technology guru. Back when I was just getting started with my business, I was a Do-it-Yourselfer. I couldn’t really afford to hire people to do things for me, so I wanted to just get things up and running as quickly – and cheaply – as possible.
And I found that the BIGGEST headache when setting up an online course was integrating that course with all the other things I was using to run my business.
Like my email service provider. My shopping cart. My OTHER courses.
Derek weaves in a story to make it relatable to his potential buyer. He’s just like them!
And this is what you need to do on your sales page to see higher conversions. Find out the biggest problems and issues your target audience faces and make your course the only solution.
3. It’s All About You – Your Buyer
If there is one word you should have plenty of it’s “you.” Use this word in your copy and your button copy. In fact, “you” is considered one of the five most persuasive words you can use in your sales page to convince someone to buy from you.
What are the other four?
- Free
- Because
- Instantly
- New
Using, “you” makes it more personal and helps the potential buyer see the transition in themselves. The best places to use “you” are in your headlines and button copy. For example here’s one of my headlines on my sales page:
This complete course gives you the tools you need to be a well-paid and sought after freelance writer
Here is what Allison says in her ConverKit Essentials course. Note all the “you’s.”
Enroll in this course if you want to avoid making any email subscription hiccups. Let me help you wow your audience by following along with my video tutorials that show you EXACTLY how to use ConvertKit.
4. Use the Language Your Audience is Already Using
There’s no need to wow your potential buyers with a ton of superlatives or fancy complicated words. A great tip to follow is to use the language your audience is already using.
Scroll through your comments, look in Facebook groups or on Twitter and see the words that your target audience is using.
Then use those words on your sales page.
For example, take this comment on one of my blog posts:
If I were to do some sort of productivity course, I could use Anneke’s words:
Do you find you work at the same pace regardless of the amount of work and deadlines you have? No matter if you have days to complete a task or if you’re fully booked, you’re finding you work at the same pace.
You don’t have structure or a routine.
Pay close attention to your comments and keep track of the language your audience is using.
Keep Your Sales Page Simple
Your sales page will go through many phases. As you grow as a mompreneur, you’ll pick up new tips and try out new things.
But the key thing to remember is that the foundation of your sales page is to convey the pain points of your target buyers and then position your course or product as the end-all and be-all solution.
But, most importantly be excited! You’re now a mompreneur! Have fun and be genuine on your sales page.
Do you have any more sales page tips to share?
Don’t forget to pick up my sales page roadmap to help you make sales like magic!