A hard chocolate cupcake shell filled with moist chocolate cake, creamy chocolate mousse and topped with whip cream. The Perfect Trifle Cupcakes Recipe.
These trifle cupcakes are the best way to eat chocolate cake and mousse. My sister in law actually requests this recipe often. It’s truly a family favorite! Yesterday we had a nice dinner over my in-laws for Easter. I had no clue what to make. I did know I had a thing of heavy cream to use up and didn’t want it to go to waste. What better than to make Chocolate Mousse and Whip cream, but how to make it come together? I was sure everyone would want something sweet after dinner, then I had an idea. ” Oh I’ll make a trifle! Booo.. I don’t have a trifle dish.” Then the light bulb went off!
I’ll make chocolate dessert cups – PERFECT –
Line muffin pan with muffin cups.
Melt chocolates separately over a double boiler. Once the chocolate is melted brush the chocolate inside the cups making sure to get the sides and bottom.
Freeze for about 20 minutes, then you can peel the liner off.
Easy peasy I promise
When all the cups are separated I like to put the chocolate cups in a fresh muffin cup and place in the refrigerator.

Now for the Trifle, or my take on a trifle
Bake a batch of chocolate cupcakes, cake,
anything you don’t mind crumbling up!
I made cupcakes so I’d have leftover to bring of those as well.
I made chocolate, chocolate chip cupcakes

While the cupcakes are baking start the “mousse”. I hate real mousse, but some like it.. For me the taste is too strong, so I made a “faux mousse” and then some Wilton Stabilized Whip Cream


Take the unfilled dessert cups out of the refrigerator. Fill a pipping bag (any tip) and pipe mousse into the cups.

Take the cupcakes..

And chop ’em up! I didn’t use the tops.
I wanted the softer texture of the cupcakes.

Take the pieces

Lightly crumble them into the cups.

Cover with more mousse (I switched the tip)

Then do a little star with whip cream. Aren’t these trifle cupcakes cute? They INCREDIBLY delicious too! It’s seriously the best fool proof Trifle Cupcakes Recipe!

Hey, wait.. what about all the leftover cupcakes and whip cream? I didn’t forget

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday Oh and I accomplished the mission my mission, I used all but 1/4 cup of my heavy cream!
Trifle Cupcakes
DIY Chocolate Shell cupcakes filled with moist chocolate cake, creamy chocolate mousse and topped with whip cream. Perfect Trifle Cupcakes Recipe.
Chocolate Dessert Cups:
- 12 oz semi-sweet chocolate
- 12 oz white chocolate
- 1 8 inch Chocolate Cake (chopped)
Faux Mousse
- 2 packs chocolate pudding mix
- 2 cups Milk
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 1 cup whipped cream
Dessert Cups: Line muffin pan with muffin cups.
- Melt chocolates separately over a double boiler. Once the chocolate is melted brush the chocolate inside the cups making sure to get the sides and bottom.
- Freeze for about 20 minutes, then you can peel the liner off.
- Easy peasy I promise
- When all the cups are separated I like to put the chocolate cups in a fresh muffin cup and place in the refrigerator.
Faux Mousse: Whip until pudding consistency and refrigerate.
- On to the whip cream
Assemble: Refer to post / visual pictures for assembly.
The post Trifle Cupcakes Recipe appeared first on Courtney's Sweets.