Snacking on the go with Jif and Smucker’s Peanut Butter

Posted by Courtney Lopez on

Snacking on the go!

We were sponsored by The J.M. Smucker Company to create some unique tips for using a new product and I wanted to share with you how we snacked on the go while on vacation!  Thanks for supporting brands that make our blog possible!

Snacking on the go with Jif and Smuckers Peanut Butter

This summer we’ve been having so much fun.  The weather has been so nice and thankfully we were able to take a two week vacation! When you’re out and about each day it’s kind of hard to pack for lunches.  I love being able to have snacks readily available for my family.  Our family LOVES peanut butter!  Jif To Go Dippers have been a staple in our house since Kay finally passed peanuts with FPIES.  She begs for peanut butter now and can eat a whole dipper herself!

Snacking on the go with Jif and Smuckers Peanut Butter

Since we live in a condo we don’t have a backyard and instead of a community pool they have a tennis court.. womp!  Thankfully since we live in Jersey we’re pretty close to the Jersey Shores!  We’ve been spending tons of time in the beautiful sand and water.  I love to pair Jif To Go Dippers with fresh fruit or veggies so we have some fun snacks.

Snacking on the go with Jif and Smuckers Peanut Butter Snacking on the go with Jif and Smuckers Peanut Butter

Since we’ve been out and about almost every single day I’ve made sure to prep ahead and these Jif To Go Dippers go right into a baggie with our to go snacks.  You can find all of these products at Walmart!  Walmart has become quite the one stop shop, especially if you have a Super Walmart.

Snacking on the go with Jif and Smuckers Peanut Butter

Kay loves to help me prepare the snack baggies and it makes her appreciate her snacks even more!  Getting your kiddo involved with their food not only makes them enjoy it more, but really allows them to learn about their food.  While she doesn’t got the veggies she can help wash and even put it all into the baggies.  If we’re not going out and some are for snacking at home she asks to put in some chocolate chips! Always have fun snacking on the go!



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